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Whilst Korowai Tumanako is available to support you during business hours, here are some 24 hour contacts if you need to speak to someone anytime 🙂

Remember to always call 111 for emergencies.

Stay safe and be kind to each other

Safe to Talk 24hrs - 0800 044 334

Youthline 24hrs - 0800 376 633

1737 24hrs - Free txt or call 1737 from your mobile



We are expanding our therapeutic team across Tamaki Makaurau and Te Tai Tokerau, offering a unique opportunity for kaimahi to join our Kaupapa Māori specialist organization. We provide offsite services to whanau of all ages for harmful sexual or concerning sexualised behavour; sexual violence crisis support and sexual violence prevention.

The role involves therapeutic engagement with whānau and working closely with community agencies such as schools, other social services and relevant statutory services to eliminate ‘mahi tūkino’ and promote ‘toiora’, whanau well-being. Our approach recognises historic and ongoing traumas which inform our framework of healing and clinical practice. The role may also include opportunities to provide sexual violence prevention workshops.


The successful applicant(s) will have the following attributes, skills and experience:


•Whakapapa ki nga hapu o Aotearoa

•Lived experience and growing knowledge of ‘tikanga Māori ona te reo’

•Be a passionate advocate for the safety and well-being of whānau

•Have proven therapeutic experience and skills working with whānau

•A recognised qualification in counselling, psychotherapy, psychology or similar

Social workers with clinical experience welcome to apply

•Have an understanding and ability to work with trauma

•Have a strong work ethic, able to self-manage, work independently and in a team

•Experience in report writing, MS Office and database records and advantage

•Hold a full driver’s licence

•Eagerness to learn from all members of the team


If this sounds like you, or a pathway you would like to follow, and you want to make a difference, please apply now. Please include both a separate cover letter and CV and tell us why you would be ideal for this position.


Applications sent to will be processed as they are received.

For a Job Description, call: Maeli at Ph: 0224747044


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